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Barbara Hall began her singing career at primary school in various guises (fairies, elves, dwarves, stolen children).  On leaving university and moving to Manchester she joined the Hallé Choir and found herself involved in such extraordinary works as Krzysztof Penderecki's St Luke Passion, a series of TV and audio recordings, appearances at the Manchester and London Proms and a performance at the Welsh National Eisteddfod of Beethoven's Missa Solemnis - in Welsh, in an aircraft hangar, using copies notated in Tonic SolFa. She sang semi-choruses and occasional solos with the Hallé and later with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Choir.  


After moving to Luxembourg to join the European Commission, Barbara studied voice with Carmen Welter-Jander and viola at the Luxembourg Conservatoire de Musique and meanwhile sang at various times with the Psallette de Lorraine, the Ensemble Vocal du Luxembourg and the Chorale Saint-Michel.  She has appeared in several countries as soprano soloist in a wide variety of line-ups and works from mediaeval to contemporary, and has taken part in master classes with Paul Hamburger, Neil Jenkins, Evelyn Tubb, Sheila Barnes and The Hilliard Ensemble. She has masqueraded as a gadfly and as several human eccentrics in operettas and musicals staged by Luxembourg's Pirate Productions, as a 12-year-old boy in the Scottish kirk opera The Passioun o Sanct Andraa and in Menotti's Amahl and the Night Visitors with Intermedii, and is still wondering why she has become typecast as a social misfit in productions by Luxembourg's New World Theatre Club (which reprieved her in 2005 by allowing her to script and direct a mini-baroque-rock musical - also featuring Nancy - on the theme of death and ... Queen Eliza).  Recent NWTC exploits include roles in plays by Alan Ayckbourn, Tom Stoppard, Noel Coward and Michael Frayn as well as musical coordination (and singing) for the Luxembourg et Grande Région - Capital européenne de la culture 2007 project Dream2007, a multilingual and multicultural production of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream - also enhanced by original compositions by Kerry and an unforgettable performance as Pier Quitt (Peter Quince) by Christiane Feinen-Thibold (see the Intermedii Christmas concert 2007).


Contact: mail@intermedii.lu

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